Monday, August 20, 2007


To all of those who went to Heathrow this week; thank you. The time has now come for us to take direct action against airport and road expansion because our government will not listen to reason. A third runway at Heathrow airport simply cannot be constructed if we, as a nation, are going to be taking climate change seriously.
Over the coming years the battle at the airports will become more and more important but we must remember that a) it is not the passengers we should be disrupting but instead the airport authorities and airline offices and b) that people must be encouraged to make the right decision about flying and that educating people about alternatives and their carbon footprint will, in the long run, be more useful then simply stopping them from flying.
We will not be intimidated by the police or the government over this one. Airport expansion must be stopped.
'When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty'
(pics courtesy of bbc)

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