Thursday, October 12, 2006

Freedom of Speech

For my first post i have decided to talk about Freedom of Speech and what it means to me: I believe that everyone in the world has an unalienable right to free speech and that it is a most basic and fundamental right that should never be denied unless it actually harms others.
When people think of restrictions on Freedom of Speech they usually imagine countries like Myanmar, Cuba, North Korea and China but restrictions on free speech are not limited to 'communist' countries but are commonplace in countries like The United Kingdom.
Tony Blair Once Said:

"When I pass protestors every day at Downing Street... I may not like what they call me, but I thank God they can. That's called freedom."

And i agree with what he is saying here. The sign of a true democracy is a country where minority groups are not scared to say how they feel and where every citizen feels that they have an influence in government.

Is Britain like this? Not by a long shot.

Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (Socpa) section 132 it is ILLEGAL to protest within 1km of Parliament without police permission. This law is incredibly worrying and despite opposition to it it does not look like it will change. The law was created to stop 1 MAN protesting on Parliament Square but it applies to every single person in the world. Brian Haw had been at parliament square for a number of years and he had created an anti-war protest which had become a tourist attraction for many and an eyesore for some.
It just doesn't seem very democratic to pass a law because someone is an eyesore does it?
If this kind of law was passed elsewhere in the world it would be frowned upon by us and the Western world but somehow this law has slipped under the public's eye. I was involved in a campaign to try get the law destroyed but the campaign lost it's focus and i have all but quit on the group i was involved in. Each person in the group had the right idea but nothing was getting done. I have now written letters to my MP (who backs me), Ken Livingstone (who ignored me) and other people. Mark Thomas, the comedian, is getting involved in mass lone protests to question the law and i believe they are a good way of drawing attention to the dangerous nature of SOCPA.
Freedom of Speech is the foundation of democracy and the only way of us ever reaching a state in the world where peace comes before war. Understanding each other and standing up for what we believe in are fundamental in the creation of a better world and i believe that SOCPA MUST BE ABOLISHED.
Visit the parliament square picnickers - Brian Haw's site - Info on SOCPA
and always keep posted to
and please WRITE TO YOUR MP at

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