We can look back at his time and really see a tale of the 'Good (minimum wage, free museums, devolution, Ken Livingstone, strong economy) the Bad (Further privatisation, restrictions on free speech, longer detention without trial, increased wealth gap, building new nuclear weopans, failing to act strongly on climate change, breaking manifesto promises (House of Lords anyone)) and the Ugly (Iraq)'.
I thought it was time for change, but instead.. we have Gordon Brown.
I thought it was time for change, but instead.. we have Gordon Brown.
The time has now come for Politics to transcent national boundaries. Climate Change can only be adressed by drastic action, something Gordon Brown will not take. British politics is cornered by the majority of voters who WANT lower taxes, cheaper fuel, more roads and less Immigration. Instead of any sort of consensus on important issues and a drive to explain why WE ALL have a part to play in saving our world, our leaders cower in the face of right wing sentiment.
I would expect no less of the Conservative party and have little faith in them; but the Labour party is made up of people who care and I firmly believe it would be healthier to see a principled, social democratic Labour party fighting to the death on the issues that matter and losing, than see them win another election with Conservative policies.
The time has come for Labour (and Britain) to stand against Nuclear Weopans, neoimperialism, global inequality, human rights abuses (at home and abroad) and stand for Equality, Social Justice and Peace. Gordon Brown is not the man for this.
Let us not forget that Mt Brown has failed in ten years to raise 0.7% of our GDP to help International Development. Like all who have failed before him, he has been all talk. Mr Brown has failed to stand up for the rights of non-free-market countries and instead has followed the United States in trying to force poor countries to liberalise their markets (while we protect ours), only making them poorer still. Gordon Brown has been in charge of an economy that has seen the rich-poor divide widen.1.
Let us not forget we live in a deeply divided world, where nearly the whole of one continent cannot expect to live to 50 years old. Where half the world population lives on under $1 a day. These are the issues that need to be addressed.
Let us not forget we live in a deeply divided world, where nearly the whole of one continent cannot expect to live to 50 years old. Where half the world population lives on under $1 a day. These are the issues that need to be addressed.

Gordon said Britain must be:
"Strong in defence in fighting terrorism, upholding NATO, supporting our armed forces at home and abroad, and retaining our independent nuclear deterrent, In an insecure would we must and we will always have the strength to take all necessary long term decisions to ensure both stability and security."
In an insecure world me MUST NOT continue to develop weapons that have the capability to wipe out half of the world's population. We MUST make the long-term decision to be a nation of peace, stability and a world where security is guaranteed not just for the rich and the West but for all.
We have to change something. It is time for Britain (and the world) to start really caring. It is down to all of us to make sacrifice and really push for change.
1 http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2007-05-17T200822Z_01_L17547254_RTRUKOC_0_UK-BRITAIN-INEQUALITY.xml
"Strong in defence in fighting terrorism, upholding NATO, supporting our armed forces at home and abroad, and retaining our independent nuclear deterrent, In an insecure would we must and we will always have the strength to take all necessary long term decisions to ensure both stability and security."
In an insecure world me MUST NOT continue to develop weapons that have the capability to wipe out half of the world's population. We MUST make the long-term decision to be a nation of peace, stability and a world where security is guaranteed not just for the rich and the West but for all.
We have to change something. It is time for Britain (and the world) to start really caring. It is down to all of us to make sacrifice and really push for change.
1 http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2007-05-17T200822Z_01_L17547254_RTRUKOC_0_UK-BRITAIN-INEQUALITY.xml