Although we weren't gifted with the chance to vote on the next Prime Minister of Great Britain some of us (Labour Party members and union members) have been given a say as to the next Deputy Prime Minister. The job itself is decided on by the Prime Minister but the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party is decided by us (and the Prime Minister is fully expected to follow suit)
The candidates are strong or at least seem so at first inspection. Hilary Benn, Alan Johnson, Hazel Blears and Peter Hain are all household names of the Blair cabinet and from the start would probably have been favourites. Harriet Harman is a strong candidate although perhaps less well known but it is John Cruddas who is going to get my vote.
John (if i may be so rude) is the only candidate who seems to have any voting record which reflects a personal and thought out opinion rather than one created by the party. He bravely voted against Trident and Student top-up fees both of which i fully support him on. He is environmentally concerned albeit a nuclear power advocate and he seems to have a genuine interest in helping the poor as best he can. I admire him greatly for being a staunch BNP critic in his constituency Dagenham, where the BNP have a large amount of council power. I think a man of principle who is willing to stand up for what he believes is what the Labour Party and the country need.
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